If your serious about dating to find a woman to spend your life with, then date with a purpose. According to Dr. Robert Glover, the biggest mistake most men make is wondering into dating without a plan, simply because they think a relationship is going to make their life better, and well, they will be less lonely. You meet a woman your interested in and you hit it off and start establish a daily communication pattern and jump into intimacy and sex after a short period of time without any real knowledge of who each other are or how they fit into your life. Ignoring the red flags for the excitement of “New Love.”
Often abandoning friendships, hobbies and personal interests to be with the new partner, the man loses himself to satisfy the needs of the other so he doesn’t have to do it all over again with someone else.
Dr. Glover believes that there is a path to finding a RGW or a “Really Good Woman.” He calls it the 5 and 5
So you don’t end up deep in a relationship with someone you don’t want to be with.
List 5 traits you have to have in your “RGW” and at least 5 traits you won’t tolerate.
No woman without ALL the must haves and ANY of the must not haves, doesn’t make the cut. That’s right, they’re out.
One of my favorite observations from the book was one I became all to familiar with. ,The RWW or the Really Wrong Woman.
Glover states; “Really wrong woman are disasters waiting to happen. Getting involved with one of these woman may haunt you for the rest of your life. Avoid these woman like the plague. Just so you know what we are talking about, here is a partial list of traits to avoid: Dishonest / Deceitful, Drama Queens, Moody, Insecure, Jealous, Self-Righteous, Angry, Rageful, Resentful, Passive Aggressive, Vindictive, Abusive (Physical or Emotional), Victim…..”
Dr. Glover offers a great roadmap to dating for men in his book: “Dating Essentials for Men.“ Available in Paperback, Digital, and on Audible. If your a man in the dating world, it’s an amazing resource.
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